Nursing has a royal connection! You heard right. At the end of February 2018, Her Royal Highness, the Duchess of Cambridge announced that she would become the royal patron of NursingNow!, an ambitious three year campaign initiated by the UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health to raise the status and profile of nurses worldwide. Watch the video below to hear about the Duchess of Cambridge’s very personal connection to nursing.
Since the launch of NursingNow! in early 2018, nurses in more than 40 countries – from Australia to Zimbabwe – have joined together to build the strategic frameworks that will catapult nursing into the highest levels of engagement in global health. To fulfill this vision, the campaign has harnessed the potential of powerful partnerships with global organizations, including the World Health Organization, the International Council of Nurses, Burdett Trust for Nursing (UK), and others. By 2020, when nurses convene to commemorate Florence Nightingale’s 200th birthday, NursingNow! promises to report the tangible results of its initiatives. To this end, NursingNow! is working to increase investment in the professional development of nurses at all levels and open more opportunities for nursing leadership and involvement in decision-making. We look forward to celebrating the success of this trailblazing campaign.
Learn more about how to participate in your country NursingNow! chapter by clicking here. If your country has not yet launched a NursingNow! chapter and you would like to start one, click here.